About Company Changes

About Company Changes

Due to the need to change our company's information because of the revision of the 25-year company law, our company has now moved away from the original address, and the registered letter previously written to our company can no longer be received, we are very sorry, if you need to continue to write a registered letter, please change it to a new address.


Cooperation with Chinese Companies

Since last year, our company has been working on sales cooperation with Chinese companies. We have several agents representing our company, making it convenient to contact them. As a result, our company has maintained contact information for these agents. However, due to the recent changes in company law, we have had to temporarily adjust our address. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding during this transition period.

Updating Contact Information

If you have been in contact with our company or need to send us any correspondence, please make sure to update our address in your records. This will ensure that any future communication reaches us promptly and efficiently. We value our business relationships and want to make sure that the transition to our new address is as smooth as possible for all parties involved.

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